Experts in technology and digital recruitment
Choose from: Contract, project-based hiring, contract to permanent, remote hiring, direct hire and permanent hiring services
Supporting Saudization (Nitaqat) through a large local proprietary candidate database
We support the “Marn” program (an initiative of the MHRSD) to offer flexi-model, specialized technology workforce. This enables job seekers and employers in the field of technology to contract teams on a part-time basis.
Stay flexible. Reduce overhead costs. We offer recruitment, visa, and payroll services to solve your immediate staffing needs for a fixed contract period.
Hire smart. We offer streamlined, timely, responsive, and cost-effective permanent role recruitment.
Go global. Recruiting, hiring, and onboarding global talent remotely, on our payroll for your business.
Manage headcount restrictions or get support with specific projects. We manage all recruitment, visa, contractual, payroll, and administrative procedures for contract positions.