The COVID Retrospective: AIQU Style
How sad would it be, if we have had all these crazy and unique experiences over the last 2 months, and we didn’t take our learnings and help grow ourselves and our teams for the better? Bringing to you our top 8 COVID lessons – reshaping our future.
Adversity brings unity
Our teams have never been more connected, more supportive, and more engaged. From daily team calls to checking in with a colleague you might not have interacted with so much previously, COVID 19 has taught us that together we are stronger.
Mental Health is EVERYTHING
The practice of mindfulness, and having a structure in your day, of taking time to not be okay if that is what you need, this is something we have realized is key. We love “Smiling Mind” the App.
Work from home…WORKS
For a long time, many leaders and managers, especially in the Middle East, have resisted offering their teams flexibility or work from home options, following the school of thought that unless you are in the office, you must not be working. COVID has blown this out of the water. Our business has continued, not only to survive, but to grow, and come out from COVID stronger, even though our entire workforce has not set foot in the office in 6 weeks. Working from home might not suit everybody, but COVID has taught us that moving forward, empowering our teams with the option of flexible working, will not impact productivity, and in many ways, will help drive it, and ensure we are using the most of every minute in the day.
Slow down
Life doesn’t need to be a mile a minute. This break in normality has seen us spend more time with our families and loved ones. It has reconnected dinner time, it has created conversations with each other, check-in on your day, and yes maybe some frustration, but hopefully more laughs. The main point – balance is important. When the world goes back to normal, leave the office on time. Prioritize your family.
The Darkest Hour has only 60 minutes (Morris Mandel)
In effect, this will pass. Through every economic downturn, through every crisis, through GFC, humankind continued to exist. Even the worst times are limited. For our teams, it is all about activity. Activity breeds activity, and now, more than ever, we are connecting with our AIQU community.
Exercise, breakfast, and water
Even if you don’t necessarily feel like it, a little bit of movement helps your mind, your body, builds your immune system and it is good for you. 30 minutes. Build it into your day as a non-negotiable. Iso has worn pretty clear-cut paths from our desks to the kitchen and back. Again. And again (and no this doesn’t count as exercise). A nutritious and filling breakfast will curb that, and when we return to the office, time for breakfast is being carved out – EVERY DAY.
Automate and innovate
During the COVID crisis we launched out online timesheet solution, (talk about timing) and it has so far been an excellent success. We now need to look to the future – what processes can be refined, how can we better leverage technology. Companies must be innovative in their adoption of technology. Think labs, innovation charters, sometimes it is the small ideas, that lead to big ideas which can change the way we work. Definitely a focus for AIQU moving forward.
Zoom into the future
The need to jump on a plane for meetings seems to have been mitigated, almost completely. Zoom meetings have taught us that we need not waste time in transit, in taxis, in the sky, when within minutes we can be connecting and adding value. Of course, the virtual world will never fully replace the need for human interaction and relationship building, but when used appropriately, it can strengthen these relationships, saving us all time, money, and disruptions. We love it.
COVID has tested us, that is for sure. Our resilience, our hope, and even had us questioning our futures. But we must take the lessons, and create our new future, together.