Recruitment vs Effective Recruitment

Recruitment vs Effective Recruitment

AAuthor: AIQU

I am pouring some thoughts on Recruitment and what are the benefits of effective Recruitment

Having worked with professional Recruitment organizations for so many years, I have attended numerous forums and have countered so many views from various individuals on Recruitment

Most of the individuals associated with the Recruitment industry will agree that Recruitment is one of the most important, yet very painful and underrated area for many organizations and unfortunately never gets due attention from business divisions due to various reasons such as lack of understanding and awareness or maybe sheer negligence. I am sure there are reasons behind the decision but the cost associated with BAD HIRE is very high and far more painful then leveraging on the specialized services provided by various organizations and individuals

Recruitment is a very simple but very interesting process. Some may think that the Recruitment process does not involve any skills and can be done by any individual! Yes, it is simple and you can recruit by just looking at the job description and finding the candidates. It sounds simple, isn’t it?

But as a Recruitment Consultant for many years and has managed multiple teams/Recruitment process for over a decade now, I can certainly talk from experience that Recruitment isn’t as easy as assumed by many. Many specialized recruitment organizations/individuals have spent considerable time/resources to develop effective recruitment solutions to satisfy the customers and candidates which are testimonial for their success and satisfied customers along with candidates. Organizations/Individual had to go through difficult times to prepare the detailed plan as per the customer demand and manage situations effectively to ensure projects kick off at the scheduled time

There is a big difference in just Recruiting and Recruiting effectively.

Understand The Difference

To understand and simplify, lets look at the below situation

Recruitment is like giving your car for a service at a service station who is a regular service station and just knows how to service any car, you will get the services but not that detailed, no personal attention, no questions asked if you are facing problem with engine or sensors or anything else…your car will be serviced and it will run smoothly, it is a normal experience, you just pay for the service bill,… take your car home and carry on as usual. You won’t have any problems at the initial level but you may have to come back again very soon to get your car serviced again since the service center never ran a complete diagnostic on your car they were unable to advise on any other problem you may face with your car

Effective Recruitment is like professional car service specialized in servicing the make of your car and who knows in-depth about the servicing, before you hand over your car, they run the complete diagnostics on your car to understand the issue with complete attention and it does involve detailed questioning to identify any other issues you may have faced but are not prominent to ensure you get the best services + they will educate you on how to maintain your car which will give you a better understanding, eventually you will have a lasting experience and you will be far more satisfied. Yes cost may differ a bit but in the long run but you will be more satisfied and you will not be required to visit the service center frequently which in turn will prove to be more cost-effective

In the above example, your car is getting serviced at both service centers, you are paying money in both the cases but as a user or car owner where would you like your car to be serviced? I am sure many of us would say professional services!! Effective Recruitment Functions/solutions are exactly like the professional service centers, you will have a lasting experience with education to avoid all unnecessary cost which can help you to boost your business and channelize your resource accordingly.